Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Hound of the Baskerville Essay Example for Free
Hound of the Baskerville Essay In this gothic novel, logic and supernatural collide a lot of times over the course of the story. Logic is something that can be explained using facts and also by finding the cause and effects to prove something. Mean while on the other hand Supernatural is something beyond human powers. In the Hound of the Baskervilles logic is used when Sherlock Holmes it trying to explain something. The longer one stays here the more does the spirit sink into ones soul, its vastness and also its grim charm. The moor is isolated and is seen as gothic because of its location. It is set in a deserted place which at night looks as If with no sign of life, but during the day it is not. The deserted houses also help to create tension as well as the idea of a hound loose on the moors. Baskerville Hall is a big mansion located in an isolated area surrounded with land and individual passages. This helps to create suspense because the characters as well as the audience are taken into a dark, mysterious and unknown place. The story of the novel is that there is a convict on the loose, who is controlling a vicious hound. Sir Charles Baskerville is the first victim of the hound. He dies a suspicion death. So Doctor Barrymoore calls Sherlock Holmes, a police detective, who uses only logic to explain things. The Hound is found and killed and Stapleton is found and arrested. Dr Mortimer has to use logic in his works, but believes in the hound. Sherlock Holmes Uses logic to explain things. Sherlock Holmes often comes with conclusions through past experiences. Throughout the novel supernatural and logic collide. This is because at the time the novel was written society believed in the idea of supernatural and because there is a black hound in the novel people view it as being viscous because if something is black then it is perceived as evil, dangerous and harmful. Although dogs have a good and faithful relationship with humans, the idea of a black hound would be perceived as evil and viscous. Sherlock Holmes always dismisses the supernatural and keeps looking for scientific facts until he can explain what has happened. For example: Sherlock Holmes uses facts and logic to explain the death of Sir Charles Baskervilles until at the end of the novel when the hound is killed that Sherlock Holmes explains the supernatural. Dr Watson, who is quite logical, is more convinced of a supernatural element. Holmes is more convinced of the logical element. Literary traditions of this novel are of the same as other gothic novels. Novels like Emily Bronthe, Wuthering Heights and Du Maurier Jamaican Inn are also gothic. They have similar settings as to The Hound of the Baskervilles. They all have moors, which are isolated and located in a place with no sign of life with land surrounding. All have wild threats posed to the moors. Sherlock Holmes conducts everything through logic. For example: when a cane is left by a visitor, Holmes uses logic to come up with what the most likely thing the cane would be associated with. Sir Arthur Connan-Doyle wrote The Hound of the Baskervilles in the way he did because in the Victorian Era people used to believe in the idea of supernatural. Sir Arthur Connan-Doyle wanted to show the audience that the idea of supernatural could b e explained using logic and facts. He also wrote it the way in which he did because every month chapters of the novel were published in The Strand magazine. So therefore that built up suspense for the, who would then go out and buy the next edition. Watson believes more in the supernatural element because Sir Arthur Connan-Doyle wanted to have a character, who at first tries to explain through logic, but later starts to believe in the supernatural as well as what the Baskervilles say to him. For example: when Sherlock Holmes is in the caves to induct his own investigation that there is no hound and that Stapleton is the villain, while giving Watson no indication what he is doing. Stapleton is the son of Roger Baskerville. He is an ex-convict having previously done four large bank robberies. He is the husband of Mrs. Stapleton (real name Mrs. Lyons). Both the themes of logic and supernatural are important as the story is mainly based on the idea of supernatural, which later would be explained by logic and facts. The novel is not relevant to todays readers as many do not believe in the idea of supernatural as there is no proof of supernatural existing. Whereas if something is explained by logic there is evidence to back it up.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Analysis of the Absorption of Green Light Versus Red Light Absorption i
Analysis of the Absorption of Green Light Versus Red Light Absorption in Spinach Leaves The goal of the experiment was to determine if green light had less ability to absorb than red light in spinach leaves. This was done by separating the photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotene and xanthophylls) from one another using paper chromatography. The separated pigments were then analyzed for their absorption spectrum using a spectrographometer. When the data was graphed it clearly showed the higher rate of red light absorption over green light. These results along with previous research indicate the importance of red light in photosynthesis and the minor role green light plays. The majority of life on Earth depends on photosynthesis for food and oxygen. Photosynthesis is the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen using the sun’s light energy (Campbell, 1996). This process consists of two parts the light reactions and the Calvin cycle (Campbell, 1996). During the light reactions is when the sun’s energy is converted into ATP and NADPH, which is chemical energy (Campbell, 1996). This process occurs in the chloroplasts of plants cell. Within the chloroplasts are multiple photosynthetic pigments that absorb light from the sun (Campbell, 1996). Photosynthetic pigments work by absorbing different wavelengths of light and reflecting others. These pigments are divided into two categories primary (chlorophyll) and accessory (carotenoids) pigments. Chlorophyll is then divided into three forms a, b, and c (Campbell, 1996). Chlorophyll a is the primary pigment used during photosynthesis (Campbell, 1996). This pigment is the only one that can directly participate in light reactions (Campbell, 1996). Chlorophyll a absorbs the wavelengths of 600 to 700nm (red and orange) along with 400 to 500nm (blue and violet) and reflects green wavelengths (Lewis, 2004). Chlorophyll b has only a slight difference in its structure that causes it to have a different absorption spectra (Campbell, 2004). The carotenoid involved with spinach leaf photosynthesis absorbs the wavelengths of 460 to 550nm (Lewis, 2004). The pigments are carotene and its oxidized derivative xanthophylls (Nishio, 2000). A wavelength is determined by measuring from the cr est of one wave to the crest of the next wave. All the wavelengths possible are... ...2 520 0.06 0.049 0.01 0.005 0.09 540 0.06 0.06 0.01 0 0.088 560 0.08 0.065 0.01 0 0.09 580 0.125 0.076 0 0 0.111 600 0.15 0.091 0 0.005 0.122 620 0.21 0.09 0 0.005 0.148 640 0.24 0.3 0 0.005 0.195 660 0.99 0.18 0.01 0.01 0.495 680 0.18 0.03 0 0.01 0.09 700 0.03 0.01 0 0 0.028 720 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.02 Figure 2: The absorabancy spectrum shows how absorbent the photosynthetic pigments are at different wavelengths of light. Note: Green light is between 500 to 570 nm and red light is between 630 to 720 nm. References Campbell, N.A., â€Å"Biology,†New York: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1996, 182-200. Karohl, D., â€Å"Principals of Biology I Laboratory,†Lorain, Lorain County Community College, 2003, 65-71. Lewis, R., â€Å"Life,†Boston: McGraw-Hill , 2004, 97-114. Nishio, J.N., â€Å"Why are higher plants green? Evolution of the higher plant photosynthetic pigment complement,†Plant, Cell and Environment, 2000, 23, 539-5
Monday, January 13, 2020
Assignment 2 Building a Foundation for the Persuasive Speech Essay
I will give personal connection to the global warming subject through giving personal experience and facts about its effects by citing some of the common effects I have experienced and those experienced by the audience or their close neighbourhood. Relating the topic to the audience will help me to develop a common ground and prove my credibility on the topic (Gregory, 2012). In addition, I will reveal my credentials such as trainings and seminars certificates on global warming and other relevant supportive information that I have attained in the course of my studies. I will also mention the sources of my speech that are from the field of global warming. This information will build audience trust and there will be high probability that they will listen to my speech. Need for intellectual stimulation How would you keep the audience thinking and learning about your topic?        In order to make the audience thinking and learning about global warming, it effects and the need to engage themselves in activities that would counter their effects would include engaging the audience by asking them simple questions related to the topic. This will ensure that the audience are always alert and following the topic so that they will be able to answer the questions whenever I ask. I will also give examples in form of stories in order to keep the audience on track. I will allow my audience to have a one-minute-break to discuss their experience on global warming before delivering the final part of the speech. According to Gregory (2012) engaging audience to maintain their focus on the subject matter and they tend to understand most of the speaker’s message. Need for creativity How would you make the speech creative?        I will make my speech to be creative through telling short funny stories in between the speech. I will try to give examples that paint a picture in the mind of the audience. For example, Instead of saying that the area affected was 100 square kilometres, I will relate it to a given Island of the same size. Need for relevance How would you demonstrate that this topic is relevant to the audience’s needs and interests?        I will include facts in my speech that show that global warming is a current problem that governments, organizations and individuals are trying to address and so there is need to learn about it. I will also include examples that have affected audience directly or indirectly in order for them to appreciate that they need to know about the topic. I will show the audience the need to address global warming issues in such forums so as to educate the major populations. Moreover, I will emphasise the future effects of global warming if respective stakeholders will not take responsibility to address the issues of global warming. I will also bringing out the fact that global warming might affect the audience either directly or indirectly and so there is need to study about its effects and control to prevent loss and damages that may be caused by it. This will make the audience to learn the relevance for the issue. The ability to relate the topic to the audi ence, the current events and your knowledge helps to demonstrate relevance of a given topic (Gregory, 2012). Need for emphasis How would you emphasize your main points so that the audience will remember those points after the speech?        I will emphasise the main points by making repetitions, pause to show transition to a new and main point. I will also use key words such as note, important, worth and other words that show emphasis. I will try to raise the tone for the main points and in addition to informing the audience to note information. Moreover, I will support the main points using a number of reasons for emphasis. I will use gestures to signal a main point and try to maintain contact with the audience for sometimes. I will also write down the main points and ask the audience to note them in their note books. This will ensure that the audience are able to remember the main points after delivering global warming speech. References Gregory, H. (2012). Public Speaking for College and Career With Speech mate CD-ROM 3.0, 10th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions. Source document
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Essay about College Is Not Worth It The Fleecing of...
Kris, a wife and a mother, worries about the increasing cost of higher education. She and her husband have a two year old daughter whom they are determined to send to college. They want their daughter to succeed in life, but they have to weigh the complications of going to college as well. â€Å"I have always thought about college as a â€Å"catch 22†...You’re taught from a young age that in order to achieve the â€Å"American Dream†you must graduate high school and go to college,†Kris contemplates (Kris 5).Throughout Kris’s ten years of experience with college, she has seen the tuition increase to shocking heights. In fact, she claims that community colleges cost as much as state colleges did when she first started her college hunt. Back then, she†¦show more content†¦Sometimes a college degree does not pay off as one might hope, and sometimes the competitiveness of certain schools or programs make the cost issue even more prominent. Whe n all is said and done, college might lead to debt and the shattering of dreams. Hence, the resounding question is, â€Å"is college worth it?†The answer to this questions is even more daunting for today’s average family and prospective high school graduates. A major problem for today’s high school graduates is the rising price in college education. Attending college can add up really fast; it can cost up to tens of thousands of dollars per year (Barkan 1). No wonder, in Steven Barkan’s book of social problems, issues and problems in higher education take up a full chapter. In this chapter, Barkan states that only 44% of all students who attend a four-year institution is lucky enough to have annual tuitions and fees amount to less than $9,000 per year. The aggravating question is, â€Å"why does college cost so much?†Not only is tuition part of the cost of college but also fees housing and meals, books, school supplies, and accessories (â€Å"What’s the Price Tag†1). All tuition covers is the money for academic instruction. Fees are charges for specific services such as, internet access, and then the cost of books and school supplies add up. Additionally, one is not paying just for textbooks but alsoSh ow MoreRelatedManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 PagesManagement Course: MBA−10 General Management California College for Health Sciences MBA Program McGraw-Hill/Irwin abc McGraw−Hill Primis ISBN: 0−390−58539−4 Text: Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition Cohen Harvard Business Review Finance Articles The Power of Management Capital Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum International Management, Sixth Edition Hodgetts−Luthans−Doh Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition Jones−George Driving Shareholder Value Morin−Jarrell Leadership
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