Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Know What an Old Pro Thinks About Framing Essay Photography Samples
Know What an Old Pro Thinks About Framing Essay Photography Samples Framing Essay Photography Samples Help! As an example, in the area of commerce, a photograph can play a crucial part in influencing consumers or clients or forming the standing of a specific brand or company. Their aim is to make the targeted audience to consider the news bulletin or article and the way to consider it. At times, there's no correct or wrong! Framing Essay Photography Samples Explained Sometimes photographs may also create a hyper-reality which exaggerates the reality and so cannot possibly be the truth. NJ wedding photographers create photos that can cause you to smile, laugh and maybe even cry. And in case it is a scenery photo, I can use the techniques I've learned to generate stunning photos. Regardless of the kind of photography you're working onfor example, travel photography, wedding photography, wildlife photography, and fashion photographyyou must set everything initially and make c ertain you will know precisely where and when you're going to be taking the shot so that you can flag any possible problems. Unsplash is excellent for this. Artificial frames can be unbelievably abundant in urban environments. You're going to want to share them, then you will want to frame them. Shows what you would like to see. Framing Essay Photography Samples - the Conspiracy Photographs have a massive emotional effect on people, making them experience particular kind of emotion, so they have a particular desire to purchase something, go somewhere, or look in a sure way. Folks may be used to frame things and other men and women. It takes some time to observe the reality. At this point you have a group of individuals sharing and liking your images. 1 particular image can be adopted by one society or ideology but it might be taboo for a different group of individuals. Transformation is among the most used photo essay topics, which is because it's a wonderful way to prove change. Its usefulness for a framework does not rely on other frameworks. This framework is seen as primary because it's taken for granted by the user. Social frameworks are constructed on the all-natural frameworks. The Good, the Bad and Framing Essay Photography Samples Although smaller in dimension, its strong color gives it a great deal of visual weight. The exact same mat is raised over the image and creates depth. These frames are individually constructed to size, and finished so that there aren't any visible corner seams. The frame on a single side of an image can be made by means of a building. If you've ever read Fruits, you will be aware of what street fashion can be like. The gold fillet makes a frame in a frame effect. The simple yet thorough frame is proper for the fashion of the piece and complemented the specifics of the bridge. Don't frame for the interest of framing. If you wish to get into wedding photography but aren't certain where to begin, here are a couple of tips. Critics always debates on the subject of whether photography is truly an art or merely a mechanical practice. Julie Waterhouse Photography Find the solution. Judging from your photography, maybe it's time to hang this up. Utilizing architectural elements is most likely the clearest method to frame a subject. This enables the picture by making an equilibrium between two unique worlds, so to speak. The very first images are always likely to be the hardest to take, but as soon as you pick up speed, you'll have images to show and persuade the next group. Don't be scared to experiment. It could seem morally incorrect, but it's what they're supposed to do, take beautiful photographs and make admiration for the exact same. Additionally, the lines and shapes in the photograph should be noted. It's guaranteed to turn into a cherished reminder of your Big Day for quite a few years to come. Almost anything in nature can be put to use as a frame in a photograph. By calling on an incident or event from their life, the author adds an additional dimension to the topic in addition to an authenticity. No matter in which you live, there'll be countless regional events throughout the year. Due to its brevity and impact, the very best wedding highlights film captured by our finest videographers gives you the ability to re-live your excellent day as frequently as you like. Let's consider numerous current arguments and facts about photography, and learn what it is really.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Learning Disability Nursing - 1501 Words
A child’s early years of life could be said to be one of the most physiological, psychological and emotional susceptible stages of their development. It is at this stage that the effects of poverty on issues such as, health, social well-being, education, family life and housing conditions have an ever-lasting influence on the child. â€Å"Problems during childhood cast long shadows into adulthood†(Acheson 1999 p.34). The author will throughout the assignment touch on these issues, but in his estimation the effect these issues and particularly education, have on children with disabilities especially learning disabilities are the most under researched and under published and for this reason he will develop this initiative. To give us some†¦show more content†¦to communicate on a level of understanding for a person with a learning disability. Thus, important health education messages are long forgotten by learning disability parents even before the their child leaves the surgery or the ‘professional’ leaves the home. It should be said in support of the health care professionals that empowerment is of primary importance in their philosophy and advice acknowledged can be either implemented or ignored but hopefully whilst the child is under the canopy of the school medical services problems will be identified. The cost of a healthy diet is a major consideration amongst low income affected families and even more so where there is a disability present. â€Å"A 1998 study showed that caring for a child with a severe disability costs an estimated  £7,355 a year, at least three times that of bringing up a child without a disability†(Dobson B and Middleton S 1998). Children from this social group are often given a less healthy diet than their more affluent contemporaries due to the cost of the ‘healthier’ food items. There is considerable evidence that meals supplied by parents from low income families is not offered due to lack of knowledge of an healthier diet, but mainly due to cost and the consideration of wastage. â€Å"Disability creates extra needs: the need for extra ... special food .... These extra needs incur extra costs†(Blackburn 1991). The consequences of an inadequate diet can have severe affects on the growthShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Dyslexia O n Children With Dyslexia Essay1347 Words  | 6 Pages Many learning disabilities world-wide are over-looked if a child doesn’t learn at the rate of the other children, but a teacher might assume that the student is mentally challenged. That might not be the case. Students world-wide struggle with the learning disability known as dyslexia. Dyslexia is known for the way it twists words and numbers in ones’ head. It’s almost as if the persons’ mind is playing a trick on itself. 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Second, is to prepare on taking all the state exams that is required to becoming a nurse. Lastly, is taking training classes, hands on experiences such as volunteering at clinical or medical field positions to have experience and better way to finding nursing job. Going into the medicalRead MoreEssay on Dyslexia in Pediatrics1121 Words  | 5 PagesDyslexia is a learning disability that affects reading, writing, spelling, and sometimes speaking in children. Dyslexia is known as one of the common disabilities in children. Dyslexia can be mild or severe, every child diagnosed with dyslexia is different in some ways. Treatment for dyslexia should be introduced as early as possible for best results, however, it is never too late for improvement. (Bucciarell Rais, 2008) Dyslexia can be inherited through a person’s family or it can be caused
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Complexities of Morality and Perception in Tom Jones...
The Complexities of Morality and Perception in Tom Jones by Henry Fielding When Henry Fieldings Tom Jones was published, it was considered by many critics to be an entirely immoral, and thus, quite offensive piece of writing. Even the back cover of our Oxford Worlds Classics edition makes reference to the work as A motley history of bastardism, fornication and adultery. Inside this same edition, John Benders introduction describes the negative response to the work by Fieldings own peers and predecessors in Samuel Johnson and Samuel Richardson (xvii-xx). While the public was somewhat more enticed by the storys seedy details and wild characters, the book was generally considered with at least a little skepticism regarding†¦show more content†¦His novel is a work containing many sets of corresponding opposites. And so this direct and opposing set of opinions about Tom and Master Blifil helps establish the two as one of these sets. Also, the formation of Mr. Allworthys less than shining opinion of Tom provides some foreshadowing of his later action s towards our main character. Fielding goes as far as to directly point out this foreshadowing, in a typical intrusion of narrative perspective, when he tells us that this developing shift in opinions has prepared Mr. Allworthys mind for those impressions which afterwards produced the mighty events that will be contained hereafter in this history (122). This kind of narrative intrusion pops up all over Tom Jones, and it is an exceptionally blatant use of the device later in the chapter which gives this portion of the book such importance when considering Fieldings moral implications. After establishing the impression of the two boys developed by Mr. Allworthy, Fielding inserts an entire paragraph, written in the authors own voice, outlining one of the novels major moral assertions. Fielding, aware of this passages function, even subtitles the chapter In which the author himself makes an appearance on the stage (121), laying out for the reader a clear understanding of the presence of a narrative voice outside the action of the story which serves to clarify the authors opinion of the chapters meaning. He uses the impression of the boys describedShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesEditorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Acquisitions Editor: Brian Mickelson Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee Bradbury VP Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck TextRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 PagesInternational Project Manager s Day (D) (see handout provided by instructor) Ellen Moore (A): Living and Working in Korea 177 Ji nan Broadcasting Corporation 196 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES 205 Quasar Communications, Inc. 207 Jones and Shephard Accountants, Inc. 212 Fargo Foods 216 Government Project Management 220 Falls Engineering 222 White Manufacturing 227 Martig Construction Company 229 Mohawk National Bank 231 5 NEGOTIATING FOR RESOURCES 235 Ducor Chemical 237
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Deconstruction Reading of Thomas Mores Utopia Essay
A Deconstruction Reading of Thomas Mores Utopia Thomas Mores Utopia is the bastard child of European conventions and humanist ideals. Inspired by Mores belief in the elevation of human manners, education, and morals, the text also concedes to the omnipresent traditions of European society. While More accepts parentage of the text, he distances himself from its radical notions and thinly veiled condemnation of Europes establishment. Through the use of a benign narrator, Raphael Hythloday, and the assumption of a royalist persona by a character of his own name, More discloses the tale of the island of Utopia and its communist society. Rife with realistic details that lend life and credibility to the existence of such a foreign†¦show more content†¦The monarchies of England and other European nations are chastised for basing power and leadership on heredity and riches rather than merit and devotion to societys needs and care. The text lambastes Europes inattention to its own misdeeds by comparing it to a land where all peopl e are valued above bloodlines, gold, or tradition. More uses the two lands to symbolize different states of human existence. Europe represents the failings of a society obsessed with wealth and power, while Utopia represents societys potential when such distractions are removed. Literary deconstruction focuses on the assumptions made within a text as represented by such oppositional relationships. Because of its satirical stance, the text of Utopia inherently represents two factions-good and evil, or as identified by Robert Elliott, positive and negative. While Thomas More conveys the disparity between Utopia and Europe to emphasize the negative aspects of European society, the binary must be dismantled in order to expose the unknowns contained within the text. According to scholar Donald Hall, deconstruction identifies oppositions and seeks to probe their fragile, hierarchal nature and thereby challenge them (165). The obvious contrast between the signs suggests the appearance of truth; however, the meanings within the binary and the text itself are ambiguous. Deconstruction attempts to reveal the
Should Minimum Wage Be Significantly Increased in the...
The minimum wage was set in a federal mandate back in the 1938, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to have a minimum hourly wage set across the United States. The bill is known as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). It was founded to boost the low-income families and provide some money to the full time workers. In its original form, the bill first covered about 38 percent of the workers in America such as covering the workers in the mining field and transportation industry. As we became more technologically advanced it starting covering the airplane industry by 1947 and construction sites by the early sixties. In America today, the FLSA has covered close to 85 percent of the American workforce (Wilson, September 2012). The FLSA†¦show more content†¦The government knows this and yet by telling us lies and things we want to hear we believe them and vote into office people that don’t need to be there for our countries sake. Everyone wants equality on this stage and wan ts to make money for themselves and their business. People should learn nothing in this world is free and if it seems too easy to be true than more times than not it is. Studies have shown that raising the minimum wage since the beginning have found that minimum wage hurts the poor and make the rich even more wealthy. When raising the minimum wage it tends to take away the low skilled and younger worker jobs for college and even high school students. Also, it keeps people on well-fare, and encourages people to drop out of high school. The findings in many articles all say the same thing that I will ultimately be saying in this paper. Raising the minimum wage will not help people, when wages are increased you will see that employment across the nation will decrease exponentially. People that are not well educated like high school dropouts, some criminals that are in the working field and many other teenage workers will all be let go from the current job. In the first year alone, when minimum wage was mandatory, it resulted in 30,000 to 50,000 jobs lost in the first. The facts are out and still happen every year that minimum wage is raised. History spe aks forShow MoreRelatedThe Minimum Wage Should Be Legal905 Words  | 4 PagesRise in minimum wage has several impacts apart from unemployment. The minimum-wage workers would have to pay more taxes and receive fewer benefits if they are subjected to rise of minimum wage. The federal marginal rate for tax is 32 percent on an average for low earning members. This would amount to almost one third of the income of a worker. The tax rate is quite high for low paid workers. The rise of minimum wage would also reduce some of the advantages and leverages that the low-wage workersRead MoreThe Effects of a Minimum Wage Law655 Words  | 3 PagesWhat are the Effects of a Minimum Wage Law? A minimum wage is the lowest amount of money per hour that the government of the country assigns employers to pay their employees. The minimum wage is based on an idea that the employers have a responsibility for their employees to live in a reasonable standard of living. The minimum wage laws have directly effect to most industries because of the potential of decreasing their budget. As a result, the minimum wage is still an issue that people researchRead MoreWe Need to Raise Minimum Wage Essay541 Words  | 3 PagesA bill increasing the current minimum wage is greatly needed, and our government officials should demand a raise due to the increase in the cost of living, as it’s no longer realistic. We need higher paying wages for all, middle and lower class income levels. Without some sort of help and support from our government the economy will only get worse. Students will not be able to afford the cost of school and living. Single family households will not be able to su pport their selves. Some argueRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate1637 Words  | 7 PagesThe minimum wage debate brings about a range of reactions from different people. There are those who believe that there shouldn’t even be a minimum wage and that wages should be determined by the markets. On the other hand, we have those who vigorously argue for increasing the wage minimum citing inflation, the poverty line and worker productivity. Regardless, we do have a federal minimum wage rate in the United States at $7.25 per hour, with some states having a higher minimum wage than the federalRead MoreRaising The Federal Minimum Wage889 Words  | 4 Pagesthe federal minimum wage would positively effect the economy. In doing so, I will be discussing how an increase in the federal minimum wage would make a vast improvement on the way many low income families live, and also how raising the federal minimum wage would boost the economy as it desperately needs. In raising the federal minimum wage, one might argue that it would cause a spike in the unemployment rate. The reasoning is that it would force employers to balance the increase in wages that theyRead MorePros And Cons Of The Minimum Wage1620 Words  | 7 PagesIncreasing the federal minimum wage has been a controversial topic around the United States; many people are in favor of raising the minimum wage, while others heavily oppose the idea. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, statistics have shown that the minimum wage is closely correlated to public health, and it shows that this topic is a much bigger and broader picture than simply economics. The federal minimum wage has a history that dates all the way back to 1938, and the strong debatesRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline For Non Rising Of Minimum Wage Essay1228 Words  | 5 Pagesis to persuade my audience to support the non-rising of minimum wage. ___________________________________________________________________________ Introduction Attention getter (teaser): How many of you believe we in the state of California should have a higher minimum wage? Well we shouldn’t and I’m going to tell you why. Significance (why important to them?): A lot of people believe that because you re getting paid a higher minimum wage that it’s benefiting you but in reality that’s not theRead MoreThe Positive and Negative Effects of Raising Minimum Wage805 Words  | 4 Pagessensitive topic for many Americans is their income. Many people’s income relies on minimum wage. In 2012, 3.6 million people received an hourly pay at or below minimum wage. There is an ongoing debate in government as to what the minimum wage should be. Stuck at $7.25, Obama has suggested raising the minimum wage to $9.00. Depending on a person’s perspective, raising minimum wage could be positive or negative. Minimum wage has the ability to change lives, and change the economy. Small businesses and unemploymentRead MoreMinimum Wage Conflict Theory1501 Words  | 7 PagesChristopher Ferraro Law and Society 10/10/17 Minimum Wage Argument Marx s conflict theory has a very distinct ideology, it is stated that it mainly focuses on the causes and effect of class conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The Bourgeoisie represented the members of a higher society which held onto the majority of the wealth and means also known as the owners of the way of manufacture and the capitalistic. While the proletariat class was constructed by individuals who belongRead MoreThe Labor Standards Act Of 19381638 Words  | 7 Pagesearns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line. That’s wrong. Tonight, let’s declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty.†â€â€President Barack Obama. For the purpose of keeping America out of poverty and increase consumer purchasing power in order to simulate the economy, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the law of minimum wage on June 25, 1938 as a part of the Fair labor Standards Act of 1938. The first minimum wage was $0.25
Measuring Effect Viral Negative Sentiment †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Measuring Effect Viral Negative Sentiment? Answer: Introduction: Public relations and corporate social responsibility are two distinct reference points for the brand image and the communicational functions for the organizations within their operational area. Both these notions refer to the way of communication with the stakeholders of the company in its own way. Rangan, Chase. and Karim (2012) states that while the corporate social responsible policy refers to the intention of the company for meeting several societal issues that the community is facing and the way the company intends to help out the community, on the other hand, the public relations is associated with the idea of maintaining a brand image, popularity and reputation of the company in front of the stakeholders. Therefore, it can be understood that both the concepts refer to a kind of activity which can improve the reputation and image of the company which eventually improves the organization and its financial performance. However, there are many such organizations which do not bothe r about their social responsibility. According to the findings of Benn, Todd and Pendleton (2010), the public relation professionals should ensure that the company is adhering to its social responsibility and the corporate policies of any organization should be aligned to that. The public relation professionals should also understand the approach of the management and they have to behave according that. Otherwise, it usually considered to be a failure of the higher management. This can also be considered as the failure of leadership and organizational approach. This essay will trigger four recent scandals of the United Airlines which has hampered its image to a great extent. The scandal with the shortage of wine was a major failure of communication, whereas breaking the guitar and the dog death incident can be considered as a failure of leadership. Along with that, the recent scandal of throwing out the passenger is a major failure of leadership of United Airlines. As the recent inc ident in the United Airlines does not go with its social responsibility, this essay will critically analyze the entire situation. Discussion Corporate social responsibility is now a significant part of any business activity which remains a resource for considerable skepticism. There are several international organizations which keep the environmental and human rights issues in accordance with the bigger environmental or societal objectives. Benn, Todd and Pendleton (2010) argue that the public relation professionals of any organization require to reflect on the practice and theory of public relations so that it operates along with the corporate policies of the organization. As stated by Ruiz-Mora, Lugo-Ocando and Castillo-Esparci (2016) the corporate social responsibility is a sustainable, integrated and systematic approach to the business activities which also acts as the significant component to the organizational structures and strategies. In addition to that, the public relations is the way which tend to enlighten the general population about the corporate policies of the company, along with ensuring that it improves the brand image by advertising the CSR achievements. Leadership issues However, the recent scandal that happened on April 9, 2017 at the OHire international Airport is devastating and it should not have been happening to any human being under any kind of circumstances. The airport police has violently threw out a passenger David Dao while he had refused to leave the airplane as the management of the airport asked him to. It been said that it was done for accommodating some other passengers, however regardless of any kind of emergency, it was not justified, especially the way it was executed. The passenger was a 69 years old man, who was forcefully pulled out of his seat and threw out of the flight by the airport police. It was also said that he was actually unconscious while the security officers had pulled him out of the flight. The family members of Dao had claimed that he had suffered from a severe concussion, his sinuses were damaged, his nose was broken and he had also lost his two teeth from the front after he was taken out of the flight. After th e video of the incident went viral online, a sheer outrage resulted from all over the world. Even the U.S president, Donald Trump condemned this act and called this treatment horrible. However, later on the next morning, the CEO of the company has issued a statement for justifying the act of removing the reluctant passenger from the flight and referred to the entire incident as re-accommodating of the customers. Another scandal took place with United Airlines when a dog of a passengers family passed away during the flight. The airline already had bad records of pet deaths during their flights and this incident with the death of Houston family dog is now added to the list. The family had claimed their dog died when the flight was being hold in cargo. The company had released a statement post the incident saying that a thorough review would take place of the entire incident. In 2009, United Airlines has been accused of breaking guitar of the musician Dave Carroll and his band while travelling. When the band reached their destination they found out that their Taylor guitar worth $3500 was damaged severely. Later the brand created a song named United breaks guitars which had around 16 million views on social media. Communication issue United Airlines has recently faced another scandal when they ran out of wine for international business class passengers. The management had released a memo to the flight attendants saying that the customers are consuming more wine on the flight which resulted into using 300 percent more than the estimated budget. Previously, the airline has introduced a first class luxurious class with features like multicourse meal and unlimited booze; however the management now wants to cut short the booze. This memo has been shared o n Twitter by one of the business partners of the airline, Brian Sumers. Analysis of the incidents Social responsibility is the recent dimension of the corporate social responsibility of the corporate social responsibility of the companies which refers to the active participation of the company to the contemporary social issues and the other affairs within the community. Therefore, the primary target of such social responsibility is the stakeholders of the company. This responsibility also includes the consumers who are availing the service and buying the products of the company (Drongelen et al. 2014). Along with that, the concept of offering satisfaction and necessary respect to the customers was included, even though it was not very new to the organizations. However, the concept of being responsible towards the consumers was added to the social responsibility which may create a profound influence on the profitability of the organization. However, in the considered situation, the company did not act responsible towards the customers and acted inhumanly for their own profitabilit y. They broke their instruments when those were under their surveillance. In fact they were also unable to ensure the safety of the passengers dog. Considering the responsibility of the organization towards the customers, it can be said that the company is obliged more to the customers comparing to the other stakeholders. This can also be considered as giving the good value of their money as well. Primarily the customers have an expectation towards the company that they are going to offer a good service and steady supply of the promised services and products (Amankwah-Amoah, Ottosson and Sjgre 2017). Therefore, it is the primary duty of the companies to deliver the right services with the enviable quality as well. The companies are also expected to deliver the services at the right place, at right time and within a fair price. Within the contemporary business scenario, the business companies are mostly considered as the social institutions as they are different from the other financial entities for two distinct reasons. Firstly, the business organizations have to consider the fact that they operate and exist within a social stru cture; therefore they have to be socially accepted for surviving in the industry. Secondly, they should also become socially responsible as they may have a huge influence for the life style of the society. The companies not only exist within the community for earning profits, but they also need to satisfy the requirements of the customers and the other social requirements. These social needs have a huge responsibility towards their clients as they are the primary stakeholders of any company. However, in this case, the organization did not treat its primary stakeholders in a right way for meeting their own requirements (Lee and Gin 2017). The employees of the organization had treated the customer in a violent way and harmed him physically for an unethical cause for accommodating all their own employees who were required later on. They had cut short the wine budget even if it was promised before. The published memo has indicated as the customers are consuming more alcohol, they cannot be offered unlimited quantity. This can definitely be considered as an unfair decision. These incidents indicate to an unethical and unfair treatment of the customers while travelling. The aviation sector is an industry which is associated with several tremors as it is entirely dependent on the employee welfare dynamics. There are several airline services which were considered to be unethical towards the employees. The United Airlines has been no exception to that. Providing adequate respect to the customers is considered to be their primary responsibility whereas they did not adhere to their responsibility; rather they treated the customer ruthlessly and harmed him physically (Kline and Hutchins 2017). The entire business service within the aviation sector is dependent on the value and trust of the customers. The fundamental basis of the customers is based on the idea of the customers as well. Any company should adhere to ethical behavior and maintain their services regardless of any kind of business. However, the relationship between the customer and the company is mostly subjective (Sagers 2017). The customers always perceive the organizations on the basis of th eir own bias and beliefs. Therefore it is necessary for the companies to comprehend the requirements of the customers and treat them in a right way. Considering the incidents, it can be seen that the airline did not offer any respect to the customers and their pets and luggage. They have been irresponsible and did not take care of those. Ethical behavior and social responsibility of the company also includes treating the customers and their luggage in a right way. However, United Airlines had failed miserably at this part. It should always be noted that the relationship between the customer and company is always a two way path, therefore the company not only requires providing productive, appropriate and honest information to the customers, they also require to treat them with respect (Wahba 2017).. However, they had taken the money and in return the customer received a violent and unethical behavior. Conclusion: hile the customers deal with any organization, they pre-perceive a set of expectations consisting of maintaining ethical standard for behaving properly with the customers and offering them everything that have been promised before the service. If the ethical expectations of the customers are met and reinforced during the service, they are most likely to have a negative experience of the brand. Therefore the organization should have a transparent business communication and follow the model of customer oriented communication. The researchers have indicates that the model is mostly based on the communication procedure between the customer and company should be widely discussed and should not have any false information. Here United Airlines should have maintained the communication clear regarding offering wine in the flights therefore it could have not led to the present scenario. The continuous scandalous incidents with the airline also indicate a poor leadership as well. The leaders of any organization should maintain the organizational structure and keep the communication process within the organization transparent. However, it can be indicated that the higher management and the employees of the organization were not working with the same aligned ethics and moral. This can also be considered as a failure of poor human resource management that they have recruited people who are not well aware of the ethical concerns and the mission, vision of the organization. Therefore the organization should ensure that functions of HR management are focused on getting suitable people onboard at the same time. References Amankwah-Amoah, J., Ottosson, J. and Sjgren, H., 2017. United we stand, divided we fall: historical trajectory of strategic renewal activities at the Scandinavian Airlines System, 19462012.Business History,59(4), pp.572-606. Benn, S., Todd, L.R. and Pendleton, J., 2010. Public relations leadership in corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 96(3), pp.403-423. Kline, J.J. and Hutchins, G., 2017. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Understanding Language and Literacy ICT
Question: Discuss about theUnderstanding Language and Literacyfor ICT. Answer: Part A: Newsletter Article Language, Literacy and ICT The technological advancements of recent times have culminated in the rapid utilization of the information and communications technology (ICT) in various domains. Education sector is no exception to this and ICT has opened up a plethora of opportunities particularly for elementary education thereby facilitating inclusive learning. ICT act as tools to mediate the cognitive and holistic development in the child thus accounting for several essential skills and competencies encompassing language, numeracy and literacy among many. ICT can be effectively integrated with the pedagogical principles that are in vogue to make them accessible to children of school going age for appropriate utilization (Lim Oakley, 2013). Assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the ICT has resulted in implicating for more benefits than risks in case of the students receiving primary education in school settings. Benefits may be understood in the context of the students, teachers and parents. Greater efficiency is generally fostered throughout the school curriculum through opening up of various avenues pertaining to communication channels. Motivational influence with respect to multiple curriculum subjects is generally provided by ICT through emancipation of students learning. Quality of education is facilitated through enhancement carried out with respect to teachers training and acquisition of basic skills (Kerckaert, Vanderlinde van Braak, 2015). However, the teachers attitude towards the implementation of the ICT in schools serves as a major impediment in terms of utilizing the full potential during the foundation years of a childs development. Reluctance of the teachers to use ICT in early education due to the notion of ICT as harmful may be cited as the cause behind such belief. Moreover, the expenses incurred in providing computer facilities through ICT are a major drawback accounting for the single largest curriculum budget cost thus providing little scope for other significant expenditures necessary for the school setting. Research suggests that in case of the impaired children, there is greater propensity for acceptance of ICT in contrast to the healthier counterparts (Hasan, Ashraf Rahman, 2016). Learning experiences are normally provided in course of a specific educational curriculum with the aim of providing optimum benefits by means of engagement, motivation and enthusiasm to make way for active participation thereby accounting for learner autonomy. School serves as an important layout for the participation of the students in a vast array of computer based activities while home serves as the source for a comparatively narrower set of computer tasks. Transformation of the teaching style into a learner centric style is generally facilitated by virtue of applying ICT. Convenience and ease in mutual interaction between the teacher and the student is the prime merit of ICT based classroom teaching. Higher number of academic affordances as well as possibilities is generated for both the instructors and students alike through ICT. Thus a positive school culture and environment helps to promote ICT based education thereby ensuring holistic development in the child (Fu, 2013). In e lementary education, language and literacy are two of the crucial components that serve as potent factors in shaping a childs future. Communication skills help in promotion of these two competencies by adopting suitable educational interventions. In this context, ICT is found to be beneficial to harbor the optimal outcomes. Studies conducted on children having autism have highlighted on the applicability of the ICT to address the communication issues in the concerned population. Recent ICT applications concerning the autistic children comprise of the usage of interactive environments implemented in cases of special input devices as well as computers in addition to the virtual surroundings, serious games, avatars and telerehabilitation. Robotic systems an important ICT tool serves to evaluate the childs response to robot behaviors as well as allow elicitation of behaviors that are unique to the child. Further modeling, teaching and practicing of requisite skills with scopes of provid ing feedbacks relevant to a specific environment is encouraged through ICT. Thus the utilities of ICT may be procured through adaptability of the resources carried out in case of providing language and literacy competency (Boucenna et al., 2014). Impact of ICT is not limited to language and literacy sectors alone. Extended application of ICT includes application in the mathematical domain. Matters pertaining to the effectiveness and efficiency concerning mathematical education revealed certain significant findings. According to the study outcomes, differences existed between pupils in schools standing for with and without ICT shortage. Variations were also noted among students who are habituated to frequent usage of ICT or no ICT application at all. However, differences did not remain at instances of accounting for characteristics relevant to teacher, student and school. Mathematical ability is largely dependent upon the numeracy proficiency of the child; therefore careful attention being focused on the mathematical education may ensure numerical literacy improvement in the child (De Witte Rogge, 2014). The potent applications for ICT involve its utilization in the education for the pre schoolers. Research has highlighted on the necessity for collaborative learning in case of the kindergarten children along with proper assistance from ICT. Further, pre-school children having memory difficulties may benefit from ICT has also been the pivotal theme of research since quite a long time. Children having certain deficits are thus addressed by virtue of application of breakthrough technologies that lead to the all round growth and development in the child (Drigas, Kokkalia Lytras, 2015). Acquisition and subsequent consolidation of the language, literacy skills is encouraged by means of adopting various teaching methods. In this regard the didactic approach or a more learner centered approach may be suggested. Empirical findings emphasized on the effective utilizati on of the ICT by the parents, practitioners and young children during the early years foundation stage. Improvisation of active pedagogical methodologies is thus encouraged to procure the maximum benefits concerning technological advances through generation of imaginative solutions (Aubrey Dahl, 2014). Therefore, dynamic initiatives from all end concerned involving the parents, educators and the pupils will pave the way for promoting the language, literacy and communication skills. Speaking, reading, listening, writing, communicating skills that are very much interrelated serve to provide real life as well as meaningful experiences with respect to provision for gaining an insight into matters related to language and literacy. Part B: Teaching Resource Literacy is a long sought term that is applicable throughout the tenure of a persons lifetime in judging his or her potentials based on the education received. In this context, reference may be made of a book resource that is specifically meant for lower primary children to encourage them to read thereby promoting learning ability through acquisition of reading skill and supporting holistic development by means of fostering literacy. The book named Sails Take-Home Library Set A: A Safe Place to Sleep, may be recommended in this regard that contain stimulating texts encouraging take home reading programs. Inclusion of amusing characters, colorful illustrations in addition to descriptions of humorous situations attract the attention of the students and facilitate their learning abilities outside the conventional classroom set up. Further the incorporation of the Parents Notes section in the book assist in honing their wards reading skills (pearson.com.au, 2017). Aims of using the Resource: To encourage the child to actively take part in reading books thereby strengthening their reading proficiency To enable the pupils to get familiarize with words and sentences that might help them to better understand the application of the language taught in class in a lucid yet captivating manner Childhood encompasses the formative period in a persons life during which he or she engages in both active and passive learning by means of utilization of diverse skills and abilities. However, the varied cultural backgrounds and different native languages in case of many children pose challenges in getting acquainted with the specific format. The demographic distinction accounting for diverse practices have gradually leaded to the necessity for standardizing the language usage for the ease of understanding and maintaining uniformity. Linguistics skills offer the opportunity of reading, spoken as well as writing ability that in turn stand as vital markers for literacy (Genishi Dyson, 2015). Thus the reading book might enable the children to polish their language comprehension and enhance their vocabulary through learning of new words and phrases. Research has necessitated the development of innovative school curriculum in conjunction with family literacy programs and bridging the ho me and school practices through encouragement of parental involvement in school. Study concerning immigrant childrens literacy development has revealed the utility of reading books as the commonest practice. Engagement in oral language and literacy activities at home among immigrant second language learners are found to be beneficial to foster literacy likewise in case of monolingual children (Dixon Wu, 2014). Further studies have brought to the forefront important findings with respect to the issue of early development among dual language learners who possess varied cultural backgrounds. Factors related to the functions of language use at home along with other parameters of maternal immigration, country of descent as well as socio-demographic variables were closely examined. Results showed that immigrant status, gender along with maternal education status act as mediating factors between usage of home languages and child outcomes. In case of the English speaking households, both g ender as well as parental education was found to be more strongly related with child outcomes (Winsler et al., 2014). Literacy in todays world is guided by certain pertinent principles. Scaffolding of student reading, writing, viewing, listening and speaking are the responsibilities of effective teaching through various forms of reading and writing such as modeled, interactive, shared, independent and guided. The identification of the learning patterns of the students with the aid of sociocultural and sociolinguistics theories, behaviorism, constructivism and information regarding cognitive or information processing is integral to effective teaching apart from supporting for utilization of the appropriate cueing systems by the students. Organization of language, literature as well as literacy instruction through proper linkage between instruction and assessment are other functions of effective teaching (Tompkins et al. 2014). Thus in keeping with the existing guidelines the resource may be efficiently utilized to foster learning and literacy among the pupil receiving primary education through school setting. Further studies encompassing continuity and change relevant to the home literacy environment have been indicated as predictors of growth in vocabulary and reading (Snchal LeFevre, 2014). Therefore the book resource as suggested may be used that will enhance the habit of book reading among the children simultaneously improving their vocabulary base. Different ways of adapting and extending strategies to include the diverse interests and needs of children and cater for different age groups: Linking the relationship between speaking and listening in addition to reading and writing Creative approach to writing for the sake of promoting literacy Motivating the children to engage in writing Teachers must pay attention to the progresses as well as the challenges faced in course of learning modules Teachers must be thorough about the curriculum knowledge and demonstrate good subject knowledge as well Proper planning should be followed while preparing for well structured lessons Cognitive development of the child must be considered while improvising the lessons and utilizing the teaching resource Age of the pupil is an important determinant of the learning and cognitive development in the child and therefore calls for adequate emphasis being laid upon the age specific moderation of the academic curriculum (Wilson, 2014). Justification of the Learning Experiences The early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) has detected five key principles that accounts for effective childhood practice that include secure, reciprocal and respectful relationships, collaboration between early childhood educators and families, high expectations and equity, value for diversity as well as ongoing learning and reflective practice. Holistic approaches are generally followed to trace the responsiveness in children and facilitating learning through play by means of amalgamating the content with pedagogy to achieve the desired learning outcomes meant for present and future well being, participation and success of young learners (foundationinquirylearning.global2.vic.edu.au, 2017). Transition to literacy is considered as a vital step towards progressive learning through various skills enhancement Cook-Gumperz, 2013). Thus the differences in cultural backgrounds as well as home languages in case of children must be addressed properly to provide succinct resolution relevant to the pertinent issues related to learning and education. References Aubrey, C., Dahl, S. (2014). The confidence and competence in information and communication technologies of practitioners, parents and young children in the Early Years Foundation Stage.Early years,34(1), 94-108. Boucenna, S., Narzisi, A., Tilmont, E., Muratori, F., Pioggia, G., Cohen, D., Chetouani, M. (2014). Interactive technologies for autistic children: a review.Cognitive Computation,6(4), 722-740. Cook-Gumperz, J. (2013). The Transition to Literacy.Writing: The nature, development, and teaching of written communication, 89. De Witte, K., Rogge, N. (2014). Does ICT matter for effectiveness and efficiency in mathematics education?.Computers Education,75, 173-184. Dixon, L. Q., Wu, S. (2014). Home language and literacy practices among immigrant second-language learners.Language Teaching,47(04), 414-449. Drigas, A., Kokkalia, G., Lytras, M. D. (2015). ICT and collaborative co-learning in preschool children who face memory difficulties.Computers in Human Behavior,51, 645-651. Foundationinquirylearning.global2.vic.edu.au,. (2017). Foundations for learning: Relationships between the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum. Retrieved 5 February 2017, from https://foundationinquirylearning.global2.vic.edu.au/files/2013/06/ECA_ACARA_Foundations_Paper-2cq59mi.pdf Fu, J. S. (2013). ICT in education: A critical literature review and its implications.International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology,9(1), 112. Genishi, C., Dyson, A. H. (2015).Children, language, and literacy: Diverse learners in diverse times. Teachers College Press. Hasan, N., Ashraf, M., Rahman, A. (2016). Effects of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the Childhood Developments and Lives of Disabilities: A Multivariate Analysis.Science,4(1-1), 28-37. Kerckaert, S., Vanderlinde, R., van Braak, J. (2015). The role of ICT in early childhood education: Scale development and research on ICT use and influencing factors. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal,23(2), 183-199. Lim, C. P., Oakley, G. (2013). Information and communication technologies (ICT) in primary education. InCreating holistic technology-enhanced learning experiences(pp. 1-18). SensePublishers. Pearson.com.au,. (2017). Sails Take-Home Library Set A: A Safe Place to Sleep (Reading Level 7/FP Level E), 1st, Gibson, Brylee | Buy Online at Pearson. Pearson.com.au. Retrieved 5 February 2017, from https://www.pearson.com.au/9781869701673 Snchal, M., LeFevre, J. A. (2014). Continuity and change in the home literacy environment as predictors of growth in vocabulary and reading.Child Development,85(4), 1552-1568. Tompkins, G., Campbell, R., Green, D., Smith, C. (2014).Literacy for the 21st century. Pearson Australia. Wilson, A. (Ed.). (2014).Creativity in primary education. Learning Matters. Winsler, A., Burchinal, M. R., Tien, H. C., Peisner-Feinberg, E., Espinosa, L., Castro, D. C., ... De Feyter, J. (2014). Early development among dual language learners: The roles of language use at home, maternal immigration, country of origin, and socio-demographic variables.Early Childhood Research Quarterly,29(4), 750-764.
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