
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

located in Rosemount

The farm is located in Rosemount. Linstead, St Catherine. The standoffishness from the farmers house to his farm is 200ft and about half cubic centimeter from the town of Linstead. The size of the farm The size of the Rosemount farm is eight hectares which includes 6 sections of plots used to plant various crops. This is the usual size of small farms in the Caribbean because small farms size usually range from zero to ten hectares. Markets Britain and former(a) European countries have traditionally been the main trade markets for Caribbean agriculture. Due to change magnitude competition, the Caricom market has become more important for regional agriculture.In Jamaica, small outgo farmers mainly market their crops in the following ways instantly to supermarkets much(prenominal) as Shoppers Fair, and Hi-Lo. Higglers that come mainly from around the St Catherine area, includes Spanish town and Linstead. straight off to hotels some of which include Altamont Court Hotel, Terra No va All Suit Hotel, The Liguanea Club and The Spanish Court Hotel. Selling at monthly farmers market which is coordinated by Rural Agriculture Development Authority (R. A. D. A). To manufacturing companies like Grace Kennedy Ltd Directly to consumersThe produce from Rosemount farm is marketed in the following ways Directly to higglers and export to the Caricom of Antigua and Barbuda The Caricom market has proven to very profitable for the Rosemount farmer and therefore allows him to adequately take care of his family, workers and will enable him to use some of the sugar for future expansion of his farm. Labour Rosemount farm employs four female workers to encourage with farming activities. No family member is employed to the farm. Additional labour is involve on the farm to assist with the following farming activities.

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