
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Macbeth Newspaper Article

Last iniquity in Scotland, chaos erupted at the Macbeths castle during what was supposed to be a peaceful celebration banquet. Macbeths behavior was strange and uncharacteristic. A guest at the society, Lennox, said he had never seen Macbeth act in such(prenominal) distraught manner and thought something must have been terribly wrong.Lady Macbeth tried to soothe party guests by saying Sit down, worthy friends. My husband is down in an empty seat and explained to his guests frequently like this, and he has been since he was achild. that he could not because the seats were all filled.Many lords are query at this point if Even the king himself told his guests that he has a Macbeth is up for the task at advance of ruling this strange disorder and they should not be alarmed by Kingdom after such a display of inappropriate his behavior. behavior. When questioned by Macbeths cousin Ross, Lady Perhaps Macbeth was confused by the absence Macbeth dismissed the entire party claiming her o f h is friend Banquo.As he said We would husband was under the weather and needed to get some rest. have all the nobility of Scotland gathered under one roof, if simply Banquo were here. I hope it Many insiders reported that the early dismissal turns out that hes juvenile out of rudeness, and not seamed suspicious and are now wondering if in fact because something detrimental has happened to him. the monarchy is in jeopardy.A party guest who wished to remain At this point there is no pull ahead training anonymous claimedthat the king was confirming the incident, however, there will be a hallucinating when Macbeth refused to sit further review of the situation and close monitoring of down in an empty seat and explained to his the kings medical status.Scotland measure Banquo does not show up for the Banquet and Macbeths behavior was really strange. Lady Macbeth had to send everyone property early Macbeth Was Not Himself During His Banquet guests that he could not because the seats were all filled.

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