
Friday, March 8, 2019

Historical Overview of Us Govt’s Role in Long Term Healthcare

A Case Study Why misappropriated Immigration Is an Intergovernmental Mess and W dyspeptic Remain So Debra Nance April 22, 2012 PMG three hundred Critical Thinking Introduction Along with religion and taxes, do non bring up dirty in-migration at a dinner party party unless you want change up discussions and grand exits along with lingering agonistic relationships. A discussion on il court-ordered in-migration leads to besotted responses and strong emotions no matter what political party affiliation. T here(predicate) argon those that condemn the Feds for not guarding the borders well enough. And thus at that place atomic number 18 others that blame the Feds for not defending the rights of all citizens.There are those that blame state and local governments for pass on services for Illegals that should be spent on real citizens. And then thither are others that blame state and local governments for not fetching better care of ALL of their citizens legal or culpable. Whil e there are others who point the finger in anger at anyone who breaks the impartiality and consider embezzled immigration is just that under-the-counter. And yet others see the States as a nation of immigrants and we should open our borders and welcome all in with open arms to citizenship no matter how they got here.There is no middle body politic it is legal or illegal, right or wrong. People want something do by their government but what is the right direction for illegal immigration? I. Why consecrate on state and local governments become more alive(p) in regulating illegal immigrants during recent years? Our text refers to illegal immigration as the mother of all unfunded mandates. Once the immigrants trail the borders, (that the States believe are not organism controlled adequately by the federal political sympathies), they fall under the jurisdiction of State and local anesthetic governments.State, County, and City Governments, as well as School Districts, bear t he financial brunt of providing services for the immigrants in an economy that has services being cut for citizens. Schools are providing educations to children in the sylvan illegally at a time that School Districts are already cutting bud buzz offs to be able to meet the needs to legal students. County Hospitals that are already underfunded to provide indigent and uninsured care for citizens are in like manner providing health services for the immigrants.Local Law Enforcement and City and County jails deal with those immigrants that break the integrity and are having to absorb those costs until they can be reach mangle to national Immigration services for deportation. State and local governments hand been handed the problem of illegal immigrants by the federal official government. The Feds are not bread and butter the services that have to be provided to these plurality and yet Government any elected official or civil servant is doing nothing to sanction enforcement o f the laws to remove those that are here illegally or to strengthen the borders and immigration process to keep illegal immigrants out.For the financial survival of many of our beleaguer States either illegal immigrants are breaking the law and need to impart the country or the laws need to be changed. This schizophrenic attitude towards immigration law enforcement has to stop either the law has been broken or it has not and appropriate action needs to be taken. Either people are breaking the law and should be deported or they should be offered citizenship or the legal ability to stay. The States and Local Governments cannot afford to support illegal immigrant services and even-tempered take care of their own citizens.II. How does the design of American federalism lead to the types of intergovernmental conflicts lay down in the area of immigration? The Federal Government is responsible for Ports of Entry, usage regulation, and Border Security. According to the Pew Hispanic Cen ter, there were 11 gazillion illegal immigrants living in the United States in 2007. If that many people are able to live in the United States illegally, the Federal Government has failed in its obligations to protect the borders and enforce immigration laws.The argument then continues that if the Federal Government is unable to meet their obligations of protection of the borders and enforcement of legal naturalization, then there should be no Federal Mandate to the State and Local governments without livelihood to support it. Or if there is no funding and the States and Local governments have to then fund these services, States Rights and Local Government Rights should prevail on the decisions as to what services should or should not be offered. If the State or Local governments do not want to provide education or medical exam services to illegal immigrants then they should not have to do so.The Federal Government has a history of unfunded mandates to the States and County gover nment. One example was in the 1970s with changes to Mental Health laws and providing of treatment services. Once it was determined in the courts that people could not be kept in mental hospitals if they were no danger to anyone else, and that they should be free to live their lives outside of institutions, the responsibility was shifted to the lodge Mental Health service model. In this model, poor mentally ill people were to be treated in county outpatient clinics.Except like services for illegal immigrants, adequate funding was not provided to the States or to the Counties to support the model and directly many poor mentally ill people are in jail or are homeless and not receiving any treatment. outcome Illegal immigration get out continue to be an emotional and heated topic no matter how it is resolved. Immigration deals with people and their lives. Once you put a face and name of someone you know as an illegal immigrant it is hard to be black and white about the law and enfor cement of that law.I have friends whose parents are illegally in the country from Ireland and have been here for years. granny knot and Pa just came for a visit and never went home. Even after the focuson lapsed visas after 9/11 they are still here. And if they were to admit they outstayed their visa they would not be able to get back in the country. They are not hurting anyone and are being supported by their adult children and assist the family by providing childcare for the grandchildren. They suffer for any services they use. But they are breaking the law. It is hard to phone of these sweet old people being deported in handcuffs.I have sit with them for tea and eaten Grannys shortbread. But they are breaking the law and are no different from the Hispanic lady desperately trying to stay here long enough to give birth to an ground Baby that will be born with citizenship and allow her to stay in the States. (That same Anchor Baby that gets brought up over and over again on b limpish Talk Radio. ) How do I defend Granny and Pas status and not also defend the lady with her anchor baby? Like those heated dinner party discussions there is no middle ground when it comes to illegal immigration.

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