
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Pursuing Perfection: Society, Media and Beauty

envisioner has been long define as a set of attractive features a original individual(a) appreciates. It is a generally accepted nonion that lulu remains to be decl ard by the wiz who sees. However, as quantify went by, peoples sight blurred and along the chaos, this individuals notion of smasher became the one and only truth. Being sensitive to what is genuinely strike is as dull as it sounds inefficient.To simply redefine what is salmon pink is never simple. Influenced from certain icons, highlighted by flashing media, and affirmed by some(prenominal) socialites, beauty has be set about more than a description of the governing body. Women had to be incessantly pretty and slim.Men had to be muscular and strong. It has become a high prerequisite in the market where hobbies and little appreciation became obsessions. The Ameri tail assembly fiat would well-nigh chant miracles by cosmetic surgeries. The media plays a major influence, the fiat tolerates the penetrati ve imposition, and the person within grasps the whole idea with both arms. Media Affirmation Media affirms the dumb speculation of how people define beauty. People think they leave alone not follow in with other people and ad commercials will leaven them how they can be happier when they are as pleasing as their models. It will be a challenge, the ad would say, but worth doing so.Little did the audience hold out that they were simply trying to sell their products that truthfully caring for their lives. To be unexampled and full of somatogenetic life is the only key to happiness. According to website Media ken Network, ads take return of the insecurities of the people. Those who are not beautiful should drop their products. When they handling the products, and achieve the kind of beauty they desire, then their lives would be worth living. These ads could be as simple as the right clothes to wear for the mollify or the latest trend in cosmetic surgery easy in the market today.Regardless of what product it is, it will bring up their lives perfect, or so their ad says so. Media has presented different options shampoos, soaps, perfume, lipstick, make-up, clothes, accessories, shoes, bags, and heretofore underwear. Media would allow people to choose to make them feel the freely did so. But each item on the racks and shelves of malls and marketplace stores lead to say one social occasion if you want to be beautiful, use it until you are. Society and the Tasty Bait In this regard, media hands over a product as a bait, and society takes a bite on it.In any generation of people, what others think and feel about a certain person mattered a lot to that person. It dictates how they should fit in into society and how they can be truly happy when they are truly beautiful. When the ads say a person will attain to be slim so that others would even find true friends, then it would seem then that the basis of relationships is modify to begin with. For every c ulture, beauty is defined differently. However, in the latest trends of look and influences, and the rise of a global market, one construed definition has crossed borders.It make the world want that kind of beauty. The kind that is rather superficial than large-hearted to certain existential individuals and society is most appealed by it. It is one thing to have all forms of media present a definition of beauty, it is another when the nap of society applies these bait to everything it was intended for. Website Associated Content noted that media distorts the meaning of beauty but the society takes as it is. One could even say that society even confirms the ads and everybody else should follow. People should always be beautiful and sexy no matter who or where they are.Weakling Within There will always be the option to not follow the trends and be themselves no matter how shell they are. But as the society dictates, the individual is more inclined to follow. This doer that other affairs associated with that person is influenced by the constantly changing trends. YGoY bag Tips even noted that even in employment, employers also consider the animal(prenominal) attributes of a person before hiring them under their wing. However, as discover of absolute majority of America, they failed to consider other attractive qualities of a person that cannot be observed by the eye by first glance.Being intelligent with a slap-up sense of humor can also be considered as beautiful. The individual is weak and insecure. It has make them quite gullible and the companies have taken advantage of this by blasting all avenues of media possible solutions. They are saying, one will have to feel beautiful to be less miserable. With ads presenting mostly physical beauty than essential beauty, an individual will assume that beauty should gelt from the skin, instead of from the heart. Companies catered to the fears and insecurities and turned them around to make them defile the pro duct to exonerate their problems.These assumptions, according to the abovementioned website, were affirmed by a research study. People powerfully believe that physically beautiful people are happy and subject matter with their lives. It has become their personal goals to reach this level. They failed to see that without being the epitome of beauty, one can achieve great happiness as well. But because the society applies what the media says, an individual forefends to these trends. As another denomination from Associated Content said, beauty is demanding. Conclusion In the end, the definition of beauty today is the misconception of what is really most important in life.It deludes the public and make them feel secure large to get into the next day. It pushed people to believe that you always have to fit in. Little did these people know that they are just being succumbed to buy certain products and make other people happy. Certain people bend for it and others end being obsessed w ith it. Beauty became a form of reprehensible when it should be most appealing even with eyes closed. Beauty has been defined by media, as a marketing strategy to continually have their products on sale. Society takes on the definition beyond that an economic exchange. They made it as a way of life, indulging at what the media offered.The individual succumbs to the exercise to alleviate their own insecurities. With this, one loses the essence of being an individual. Being who you are no longer mattered and fitting in did. Being happy is not being able to express oneself completely. Instead it is about being beautiful and always appealing to anyones eyes. They pursue perfection. But how could anyone continuously look at a persons face, and appealed by it, if the words that come out of their painted lips are not as the plastic face has promised? References (2005). What are the notions of beauty in society. Retrieved November 20, 2008 from http//beautytips.ygoy. com/general-tips/effe cts. php. (2006, December 20). Society and the pursuit of society. Retrieved November 20, 2008 from http//www. associatedcontent. com/article/103679/society_and_the_pursuit_of_beauty. html? cat=9. (2008). Beauty and body image in the media. Retrieved November 20, 2008 from http//www. media-awareness. ca/english/issues/stereotyping/women_and_girls/women_beauty. cfm. Little Lady. (2006, November 8). Media distortion of beauty. Retrieved November 20, 2008 from http//www. associatedcontent. com/article/84381/media_distortion_of_beauty. html? page=1&cat=60.

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